Monday, November 19, 2012

Martha (And Others) To The Rescue

Leave it to Martha Stewart to have a variety of ways to display family tree information so attractively.  One of my favorite ideas from her web site is a large tree painted on the wall of a child's playroom.  "Parents" perch as owls on a branch and family members are birds on the tree.  Imagine the fun for a child in seeing more birds added to the tree to celebrate a birth or a marriage in the family.

In the Make a Family Tree portion of her web site, she also has instructions for making photo cards of family members.  I especially like the one showing several generations of women in the family.

Both my daughters-in-law had had creative ways to show family pictures to our grandchildren.  One used several dollar store photo albums filled with pictures of different family members.  An album like this could also hold postcards or other items that can be used to share a family story.  The other keeps a large collage photo frame filled with family photos propped on the floor at a crawling and now walking level.  These are both simple ways to help the next generation see that they are part of a larger family.

If you are into crafts and home decor, you might visit my Pinterest board Celebrating Families.  There are a lot of simple ideas (all developed by some wonderfully creative people) for both genealogy and family tree related craft projects.

The research we do about our family uncovers a lot of facts and stories and sometimes accumulations of letters, photos, and other memorabilia .  We can share these things  in different ways and also help others strengthen their connections to the family and their places within it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mary! I just found your blog courtesy of GeneaBloggers.
    At one point in life, I declared that I'd never spend a single dollar to make Martha Stewart richer. And I haven't. But I've sure made use of every free resource of hers! LOL!
    I have to admit that she and her hordes of talented designers come up with some delightful, practical ways of enriching our lives.
    Thanks for the post! And I'll be happily following your writings!
